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Lola Wright

New Theme for May: “The Courage To Be”

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In the month of May we will explore what it means to BE. What comes up when we are BEing and not just DOing? BEing is a practice of great courage. We live in a time where it is ever tempting to go, go, go and do, do, do and yet our soul is always inviting us to BE.

We live in a time where it is ever tempting to go, go, go and do, do, do and yet our soul is always inviting us to BE. Read More

A Purpose Higher Than Ourselves

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Yesterday we explored the work of Marianne Williamson. She is a bold voice for transformation on the planet. She recently said, “Our salvation lies in being available for the healing of the other. Our purpose here is to be used for something higher than ourselves.” Over the last 18 months we have dug in on the concept of Building the beLOVEd Community, a concept rooted in the notion that we are innately compelled to rise up from our small selves and live in support of a greater cause. Read More

The #DriveTo75

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I LOVE POTENTIAL! You must first know that about me. I love celebrating what is and then creating what can be. I love witnessing the wake up of someone to their magnificence. I love witnessing someone’s discovery of their unique purpose on this planet. I love witnessing the stretch of what’s possible. #Driveto75 is exactly that. It’s a conversation that started at Bodhi last Sunday. #Driveto75 is a special intention to kick off a response to a financial gap we are currently experiencing. Read More

Living In The Gap Between Our Ideals And Our Reality

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Setting intentions and goals is important for our sense of direction. Knowing our desired future provides a compass whereby we can determine when and where we are in or out of alignment. Many of us have crafted personal vision and mission statements with each word deliberately selected eventually arriving at a point of seeming perfection. Sitting back with great admiration and appreciation for the possible future that’s been created, imagining the world as it’s been articulated illicits hope and possibility.

Our July Series: "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness"

Our July Series: “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”

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Community Heroes

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You don’t have to look far to find extraordinary Chicagoans doing amazing work in and around the city! On Sunday, June 21st during our Sunday Celebration Service we will hear from 5 innovative Chicagoans that are up to big things. We have invited these 5 people to participate in a dialogue as they uniquely exemplify the heart of contribution … they aren’t in their work for the fame or fortune. They roll up their sleeves everyday to improve the lives of others in our great city.

Our panel guests (pictured from left to right in the above graphic): Channyn Parker of the Translife Center: A Chicago House Project; Howard Bailey of Dream Cafe & Grille; Jill Salzman of The Founding Moms; Sarah Berghorst of OneGoal; and Theodore Richards of The Chicago Wisdom Project. We love, honor and celebrate your commitment, your persistence, your love and your certainty in supporting the people of Chicago!

The Hero’s Journey

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The other night I was visiting with my brother and sister in law (actually, she was doing my hair). And in my typical style and without a moment’s notice I asked my sister in law, “Do you believe there is a purpose for your life? Do you know or sense that you are here for a unique and profound reason?” In her brilliant and hysterical way she did a slight roll of the eyes and continued to listen more than respond.

the heros journey graphic - 06.01.15 - v3 - 1800

As a little girl, I would lay awake in bed wondering what the point of this whole thing was. I would repeat my name over and over again at varying tempos and with changing accents wondering how in the world and who came up with these sounds … the vowels, the consonants. Read More