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In our Thursday night Spiritual Economics class, we are studying the Truth about Prosperity and “raising consciousness, to know that ‘the place on which you are standing is holy ground'” (Butterworth, Spiritual Economics). When the circumstances or conditions of our lives and our world appear as if something is broken—as if scarcity is real or lack and limitation are “true”—we turn to Truth to remind us of Universal Law.

This thing called God is not a Santa Claus figure sitting in the sky waiting to give or withhold if we are naughty or nice. God is an unseen power and presence always operating in, through and as us. Use the word Love, Universe, Source, Spirit—whatever word resonates in your body.

God is an unseen power and presence always operating in, through and as us.

This Love Presence expresses itself in infinite ways for:

“God is a ceaseless flow of substance, and no matter what the extent of the need, universal substance can easily supply it. But there is one thing God cannot do. God cannot supply lack. This is because lack is a state of mind, and the condition cannot be remedied until the state of mind is altered” (Butterworth, Spiritual Economics, Chapter 1 “The Truth About Substance”).

In April of 2012, after 8 years of cultivating a vibrant and dynamic non-religious spiritual community, Bodhi opened the doors of its new and permanent home at 2746 N. Magnolia Avenue in Chicago’s Lincoln Park neighborhood. The opening of our new home was a declaration of our Purpose and a commitment to our work. We are in Chicago to Reveal Love, Honor All Paths and Celebrate Life.

Growing into our new space has stretched our consciousness. We have found ourselves confronted at times: “Can we really do this? Who are we? We don’t have the history and infrastructure of the Jewish or Buddhist or Christian tradition.” And yet, more and more people are awakening to the idea of God as within, to the idea that Oneness is the way of Peace, Love and Harmony. And so we march forward in our work knowing we have come to contribute something sacred.

And yet, more and more people are awakening to the idea of God as within, to the idea that Oneness is the way of Peace, Love and Harmony. And so we march forward in our work knowing we have come to contribute something sacred.

Stretching into our next greatest expression is not always easy. It is not always comfortable. Over the years, we have experienced that in many different ways. In 2014, our expenses have run at a rate of $80,000/month, while our revenue has run at a rate of $76,000/month.

Our continued commitment to live within our means calls us to make new choices and to further reduce expenses affecting our staff. We must work more creatively and efficiently to bring our work to life. As part of our commitment to financial solvency, we have eliminated the position of Manager of Business Operations. Dexanne Card’s last day on staff is Tuesday, September 30th. Dexanne is an extraordinary community member and has brought her gifts and talents in generous ways. Please thank Dexanne when you see her on campus. Our remaining staff is moving to a mix of part-time and full-time hours. We have all accepted compensation reductions ranging from 10 – 40%.

It is tempting to hear these changes as doom and gloom. And yet, as someone significantly impacted by these changes, I will tell you it is so good. What we resist persists. Resisting our current income level only keeps us on the hamster wheel of lack and limitation. We continue to reduce our expenses to match our level of revenue and know that from that place we work to expand our consciousness and support growth.

“Consider the responsibility you have toward conditions as a whole. For what happens in your mind and is reflected in your affairs will have a definite influence. There is no way out: you are always on the side of the problem or you are on the side of the solution. ‘Choose this day whom you will serve’ (Josh. 24:15)” (Butterworth, Spiritual Economics, Chapter 2 “Your Fortune Begins With You”).

As we move into October with Rev. Darrell Jones, Maureen Muldoon and Edwene Gaines as our Sunday Speakers, we dig into The Universal Truth About Prosperity, the next chapter in our Building The beLOVEd Community series.

Joan Coletto, one of our Licensed Spiritual Practitioners and Spiritual Council member, is anchoring an Unexpected Income Call each morning beginning Wednesday, October 1st. Through this call, you will create a consciousness that draws unto you Unexpected Income. She will anchor spiritual practice and generate a field of receptivity. You can join the call at 7:30 a.m. by calling 805-399-1000, access code 426658# or listen to the recording by calling 805-399-1099, access code 426658#.

I hope you’ll join us on these calls each morning and for our upcoming Sunday Celebrations—a new level of Prosperity awaits us as individuals and a community, together marching forward in our Purpose.


Butterworth, Eric. Spiritual Economics: The Principles and Process of True Prosperity. Unity Village, February 2001.

Lola Wright

Lola Wright is the Spiritual Director at Bodhi Spiritual Center.


  • Sandra Barnett-White says:

    Lola, one of the many things I love about Bodhi is the “open kimono” attitude. We always feel informed and have a sense of ownership, even when the news is troubling.

    I am so sorry Dexanne will no longer be on staff! I just started to get to know her, and was planning to help her with some of the upcoming events. She is amazing! The good news is, I can continue to connect with her in our Foundations class.

    Thank you for continuing to keep us engaged and involved with the workings of Bodhi. I know we can all work together to build a highly sustainable, loving organization!



    • Lola Wright says:


      You and Jim are such a blessing to Bodhi. I am so grateful to know you as an engaged and loving community member!

      Excited to discover together what the next chapter looks like.

      Love and gratitude,


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