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Message Monday: Just Say YES!

By August 1, 2016September 5th, 2016Blogs

A little over three years ago, I attended a Oneness Awakening Course at The Flowering Heart Center in Downers Grove, IL with Kristin Panek when I got a very clear message that I was to go to the Oneness University in India to deepen my relationship with the Divine.

At first I laughed and told Spirit, “Ha ha very funny but hell no.” However, the message continued. I told myself that I couldn’t take off time from work, I didn’t have the money, I had never been out of the country and I had no interest at all to spend a month in a country I had no desire to go to in the first place.

After several clear nudgings I surrendered to the inner guidance and desire but I had some conditions. I said to spirit, “Ok, if I’m suppose to go to India, then I need you to give me a very clear sign to go, give me the time off work, give me a course that I can do for just two weeks (the only option was a month long course at the time), and finance the trip.”

Well let me tell you, when you give Spirit a challenge, She says, “I accept – game on.”

A couple of weeks later I walked into Rev. Mark Anthony’s office for a something and he stood up and walked over to me and said, “You’re coming with me to India. Don’t say no, we’ll figure out the money. I’m going for a two week minister’s course and I want you to come with me as a part of my leadership team.”

I stood there stunned and speechless.

Very clear signal to go – check. Time off work (Rev. Mark Anthony was my boss at the time) – check. A two week course – check. The only thing left was to come up with $5,000 in two months.

But right then and there when Rev. Mark Anthony looked me dead in the eye and told me to just say, “Yes.” “YES!” I said. I made a commitment to do whatever it took to go to India and attend the Oneness University’s special course for ministers and their leadership.

“ENERGIZE THE IDEAL!” – Rev. Rainbow Weldon


In Rev. Rainbow’s talk, she challenges us to go for our desires. To turn away from our limitations, fears and conditioning. To be willing to examine our limitations and reactions so that we may clear them out and focus on the desire we want manifested.

She references Ernest Holmes in this way, “…to view the limitation is to impress it upon the mind, and accentuate the state of consciousness which produced it.”

The passage further goes on to read… “It is not always easy to turn from fear, from poverty and pain, and from the hurt of human existence, to that which is perfect. But whoever can do this – and will train himself to do it – will be like the man healed of blindness. He had little comprehension of how it had been done: he could only say: ‘Whereas I was blind, now I see.’”

We must with our entire being give our attention, intention, energy and vision over to what we desire, seeing it manifested and feeling it fulfilled.

I knew in my bones I was going to India but I had so much proof telling me otherwise. I wouldn’t be able to take two weeks off work, I wouldn’t be able to come up with the money, I wouldn’t be able to handle India… and on and on the disbelieving chatter went.

However, I stopped it and I took one step in front of the other. First I got the passport and visa, then I did a fundraising campaign and received just enough to buy the ticket, then I raised more money but just enough for the course fees and finally the money for the lodging, meals and travel came in.

Just when I was getting stronger and better at keeping my focus on the goal manifested, Spirit threw me a curveball. Two days before we left for India…Bigsby, Rev. Mark Anthony’s 6 mos old puppy, ate my passport.

I collapsed, it was over, I wasn’t going to India.

It happened when a Practitioner class was meeting in the other room, so Rev. Mark Anthony took the chewed up passport and every single person in that room spoke a prayer of possibility. A way out of no way to be made possible.

I rushed off to the passport office and truly, Grace made the way clear. My passport was expedited and my visa was available to pick up ON MY WAY TO THE AIRPORT!

I had done it… I had raised all the money I needed to go to travel abroad, overcame every hurdle. I was about to have the opportunity of a lifetime – attend a special minister’s course, to grow spiritually, to deepen my relationship with the Divine and to sit at the foot of an Avatar, Sri Amma Bhagavan.

When we partner with Spirit – ANYTHING is possible. Our limitations, conditioning, previous experiences are no match for the unlimited potential and possibility of the Divine – IN and AS YOU!

What are you waiting for? Go get your bananas! 😉

Share your thoughts, feelings, experiences, struggles and breakthroughs below. I’d love to hear from you.

Photo credit: Brett Davies via flickr


Bodhi is a conscious community in Chicago, IL. We offer in person and online experiences for people who are ready to transform themselves and their world. Bodhi uses media, education, entertainment, and like-minded community to support transformation.

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