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Divine Discontent – A Message From Lola Wright

By February 10, 2020Home, News

“I have been sensing divine discontent nudging me into what’s next.” Read the complete message from Lola Wright.

Dear friends,

As I evolve and grow I continue to ask myself, “what is mine to do and what is no longer mine to do?” Over the last couple of months, I have been sensing what I understand as divine discontent nudging me into what’s next. Despite the unsettling and destabilizing nudge of the new, it has become clear to me that I am being called to create beyond the walls of Bodhi—and with that, I state my resignation.

As I reflect on the potency of the last five years, I am reminded of some of the sacred contributions I have made with the support of our Board, Staff, and Committed Contributors. Together, we accomplished many things: we cared deeply as our bereft community navigated the departure of founder Mark Anthony Lord in 2014; I delivered 200+ Sunday talks and 60 monthly themes and invited guest speakers and teachers in from around the country; we offered dozens of classes and workshops impacting hundreds of people each year; we started broadcasting our Sunday Experience online to thousands of people; we cultivated greater awareness of Bodhi in Chicago and around the country as a relevant community platform; we expanded our digital footprint through our web and social media presence; we produced our first full-length House Band album Your Moment; we devoted our work to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “beLOVEd CommUNITY;” we explored the danger of the Triple Evils of racism, poverty, and militarism; we provided context for the state of our planet during a time of great civic and political concern; we led our community as we marched in solidarity with organizers to bring justice to the murder of Laquan McDonald; we organized and participated in the 2016 Women’s March. In that time, I authored our 8 Statements of Belief and consistently spoke boldly to educate against transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, racism, sexism and various forms of oppression. I had the great privilege of sitting bedside as community members took their last breath, navigated addiction, heartbreak, triumph, and joy—together we raised over $4,500,000 in small individual contributions from thousands of supporters. Most recently, I worked with some of the city’s most prolific and influential creatives to launch the monthly, live experience of House of Bodhi with Lola Wright to  sold-out iconic Chicago music venues and recorded and published 14 episodes of our podcast And This Is Bodhi with Lola Wright to an audience of over 1000 listeners. Collectively, we’ve worked together to know ourselves more fully, more completely, and more wholly, than ever before. 

The greatest gift I have received from my time with Bodhi, has been the clarity and conviction of my voice. I have been reminded over and over again of the importance of taking care of myself and contributing my unique gifts and talents to the world.   

At the end of this month, I will complete my career at Bodhi. The Board is committed to a mindful practice of listening, as we determine the next best steps for Bodhi.

For those that have supported my work in the world through Bodhi, I am deeply grateful. I would not be who or where I am today without your love, generosity, and attention. I trust that Bodhi is on its right and perfect path, as am I. I feel eager to see what unfolds next, as I practice being in the mystery of it all. I am excited to reimagine my life’s work again and expand what I know to be possible.

I look forward to staying in touch with the extraordinary people I have met over the years. I love social media so please find me on Instagram and Facebook via my handle, @lolapwright, or connect with me through my web site, lolawright.com.

Stay tuned for community updates from our brilliant Board President, Eileen Rhodes, and please continue to hold this important body of work high. 

Until we meet again, much love and happiness!

Lola P. Wright




Bodhi is a conscious community in Chicago, IL. We offer in person and online experiences for people who are ready to transform themselves and their world. Bodhi uses media, education, entertainment, and like-minded community to support transformation.

One Comment

  • Shari Sorbo says:

    Wishing you sacred journey on your new road. You are a model for the new experience of what is known as life. Divine Discontent stirs up the roots of our being and moves us into more of the mystery. I applaud your courage on this next step.

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