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Our April Series: AWAKE

By April 1, 2019Home

In April, we begin to tap into a multisensory experience, one that goes beyond the finite.

Our sensory perception serves us in so many ways. We can appreciate the world around us through sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. There is great evidence of the distinct experience that exists in the three dimensional realm, and yet our five senses have limitations. To be in an awake state involves seeing beyond the physical, moving beyond the material into an understanding that every life experience is a metaphor serving as an invitation for expansion, learning and growth.

Consider there is a dimension of reality that is beyond this earth plane. As you awaken to greater dimensions of conscious awareness, you realize you have an infinite capacity to create. As you awaken to the creative power that is at the center of your being, you begin to realize your oneness with all of creation. This sense of unity with all life stirs an amplified sense of aliveness.

In April, we begin to tap into a multisensory experience, one that goes beyond the finite. We begin to feel our connection to all of life. We realize that we are not separate from this Universe, we are the Universe. We are awake.  


Bodhi is a conscious community in Chicago, IL. We offer in person and online experiences for people who are ready to transform themselves and their world. Bodhi uses media, education, entertainment, and like-minded community to support transformation.

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