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The Revolutionary Act of Calm – Lola Wright

By August 27, 2018February 10th, 2020Events, Home, Messages

Lola Wright completes our August series, “Midwifing Change,” by talking to the “The Revolutionary Act of Calm.”

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I have to apologize for this month’s series – “Midwifing Change”. In our house, a change in schools for our little kids.
J.P., “I am afraid of bad guys. At night I feel like I see bad guys in that corner over there.” Mom, “There are no bad guys. There is no such thing as a bad guy. There are good people who make choices that have implications. Those people have forgotten who they are.” J.P., “Well then why do stories about bad guys exist? Why do guns exist?” Mom, “Because people tell stories, that’s what people do. And scary stories create fear. That’s why I don’t like you watching tv.” J.P., “Because it messes with your brain?” Mom, “Yes, exactly.”

SLIDE: I have come to create teachers not to gather disciples. – Yogi Bhajan
SLIDE: Revolutionary – involving or causing a complete or dramatic change
SLIDE: Calm – not feeling nervousness, anger or other emotions; pleasantly free from wind


  • Know what is True; More than form, circumstance, condition
  • You can’t know something for another that you don’t know for yourself
  • Break free from the matrix (that which subdues) – maintain dominion over your awareness
  • If you are subdued/sleepy you are more susceptible to fear; you’re more forgetful of the Truth; you will be coerced

Are you holding the highwatch? As a midwife of change, what is the quality of the space you provide?
Know the truth.

SLIDE: You are born of Spirit and not of matter. – The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes p. 169

What must be true about you?

This is the power of meditation, stillness, reflection and breath…turning within and transcending matter
From Emerson, Ernest Holmes embodied three ideas.

1. We are our own spiritual authority.
2. There is a Godlike Essence in every person.
3. There is a connection between our thoughts and what happens to us.

1. We are our own spiritual authority.
Who and where do you look for approval?
2. There is a Godlike Essence in every person.
What is your practice for seeing Good in all people?
3. There is a connection between our thoughts and what happens to us.

What is your discipline or practice for your mental awareness?

Spiritual maturation/evolution in consciousness must enable us to discern the source of real good. Moving from dualistic consciousness to unitive consciousness – Oneness

SLIDE: Happiness isn’t very good for the economy. If we were happy with what we had, why would we need more? How do you sell an anti aging moisturizer? You make someone worry about aging. How do you get people to vote for a political party? You make them worry about immigration. How do you get them to buy insurance? By making them worry about missing out. How do you get them to buy a new smartphone? By making them feel like they are being left behind. To be calm becomes a kind of revolutionary act. To be happy with your own non upgraded existence. To be comfortable with our messy, human selves, would not be good for business. – Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig

What is the source of your good? What is making you move? What is knocking you off your square…

SLIDE: The greatest good that can come to anyone is the forming within him of an absolute certainty of himself, and of his relationship to the Universe, forever removing the sense of heaven as being outside himself. There can never come a time when we shall stop progressing; that age is an illusion, that limitation is a mistake, that unhappiness is ignorance. This understanding will rob man of his loneliness and give him a sense of security which knows no fear, a peace without which no life can be happy. – The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes p. 180

1. We are our own spiritual authority.
Who and where do you look for approval?
2. There is a Godlike Essence in every person.
What is your practice for seeing Good in all people?
3. There is a connection between our thoughts and what happens to us.
What is your discipline or practice for your mental awareness?

Prayer & Meditation


Bodhi is a conscious community in Chicago, IL. We offer in person and online experiences for people who are ready to transform themselves and their world. Bodhi uses media, education, entertainment, and like-minded community to support transformation.

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