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The New You LIVE | Living By Demonstrating

Today on The New You LIVE, Lola Wright breaks down Rev. Gaylon McDowell’s message, “By Their Fruits,” and talks about the power of demonstration.

My great desire is that we are in a practice of demonstration. If you identify as a spiritual human being and have a desire to improve, expand, or to deepen your experience of life so you have a greater sense of freedom, peace, wholeness and love, and that doesn’t occur in your world, we aren’t doing our work. Our desire is that these ideas and teaching expand and improve your experience of life!

“There is no such thing as undemonstrated understanding.” – Emmett Fox

You are always demonstrating that which is commensurate of your understanding.

Rev. Gaylon shared about Michael Jordan and how he was known as the best-practiced player of his time. He not only worked at being the best on-air player, but also worked to be being the best-practiced player.
If there’s a life you desire, a relationship or financial life you desire, are you preparing yourself today to demonstrate it and how are you doing that?

How devoted and disciplined are you to creating the life you desire?

The Serenity Prayer

When we spend all kinds of time focusing our energy on desiring to change that which is beyond our control, therein lies an experience of suffering and insanity. The wisdom of the prayer is focusing on that which you CAN change.

If you change your thinking you can change your life. – Ernest Holmes

How is the thought atmosphere where you are? Is it affirmative? Are you living on the affirmative side of life? Are you devoted and disciplined to keeping your internal landscape fresh and clean?

Rev. Gaylon challenged us by asking how much time we spend in prayer, meditation, and speaking the truth to ourselves? Consider that the truth of your life is that you are whole and holy and there is something radically right about you.

Do you spend more time on the truth of you or the facts of you? What is your devotional work of the truth of you and what’s radically right about you?

Have you ever fasted from negative thoughts or negative beliefs?

The times I’ve produced the greatest out picturing of that which I desire are the times I’ve been most devoted to living on the affirming side of life.

We often get impatient and intolerant and then cynicism and resignation sets in, and then we’ve begun to invest more in our negative, glass is half empty paradigm instead of living in the land of curiosity and wonder.

I’m suggesting that you have a deep devotional practice to the truth of life.

If you’re struggling with work, health, finances, and career, dig in, and pray without ceasing! Be in an active conversation with the God of your being to rewrite the script!

Rev. Gaylon said, “you want to make money but you don’t understand prosperity!”

My experience says if I can’t swell in an experience of gratitude for all I have right now, there’s not a chance in hell that I’m going to expand my experience of abundance and prosperity. Don’t be limited by the “stuff” but rather by the quality of experience.

Are you walking the talk or just talking the talk?
When I look to mentors and people are living an experience I desire, I’m going to ensure that they are actually demonstrating that which I desire. Anyone can talk about these principles, but you’ve got to be able to demonstrate!

Be a demonstration of that which you speak about. Is your life a living demonstration?

One of the practices I do, I ask myself if someone did an audit of my life, would they find that I have a life of integrity or hypocrisy?

Is your life in alignment with that which you say you desire? If it’s not, that’s okay! Get curious about the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that are producing the outcome you’re experiencing.

Lola Wright

Lola Wright is the Spiritual Director at Bodhi Spiritual Center.

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