Jim Dethmer—business coach, author, speaker and co-founder of the Conscious Leadership Group—will visit Bodhi on Sunday, Feb. 8th to talk about conscious, spirit-centered leadership. After his message, he’ll facilitate a leadership workshop based on his new book, The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership. The workshop will begin at 12:30p—not to be missed!
Message at 10a Celebration Service: “Learning to Lead with Presence.”
Workshop at 12:30p: “Practicing the 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership” (suggested $35 Love Offering).
Above The Line Vs. Below The Line
Watch the video below to learn more about the Conscious Leadership’s “Big Idea” to help leaders shift beyond a limiting “below the line” culture of victimhood, blame and self-doubt to a thriving “above the line” self-rejuvenating culture of responsibility, creativity, genius and self-awareness.
With each week between January 1st and April 4th focusing on one of our 8 Spiritual Practices, I have noticed myself becoming increasingly intentional on my daily practice! I really enjoy deepening my appreciation for why our 8 Spiritual Practices are what they are. Our shared commitment to practice is what brings us together in community—we support each other in being accountable, for which I am so grateful! A Course in Miracles says we “teach” what we need to learn most. Amen to that! Read More