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With each week between January 1st and April 4th focusing on one of our 8 Spiritual Practices, I have noticed myself becoming increasingly intentional on my daily practice! I really enjoy deepening my appreciation for why our 8 Spiritual Practices are what they are. Our shared commitment to practice is what brings us together in community—we support each other in being accountable, for which I am so grateful! A Course in Miracles says we “teach” what we need to learn most. Amen to that!

Reverend Darrell Jones speaking about Sacred Service on January 25, 2015

Reverend Darrell Jones speaking about Sacred Service on January 25, 2015

Next Up: Spirit-Centered Leadership

For the next two weeks, we have the privilege of exploring the practice of Spirit-Centered Leadership with Jim Dethmer and Rev. Kathy Hearn. Jim Dethmer is at the cutting edge of the consciousness conversation with large organizations and influential leaders all over the world. He and his partner Diana Chapman present a radically new and meaningful paradigm for every human being to pioneer their worlds personally, organizationally and globally.

Join us with Jim this Sunday at 10 a.m. during our Sunday Celebration Service as he shares his message, “Learning to Lead with Presence.” Following service, Jim will offer a workshop at 12:30 p.m. called “Practicing the 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership.” You do not want to miss a Sunday with Jim Dethmer—it will be worth every moment!

The Conscious Leadership Group’s Big Idea: Above The Line vs. Below The Line

Spirit-Centered Leadership gives us access to celebrating our genius and igniting ourselves and those around us … all while having fun in the process! I cannot wait to roll up our sleeves on this one over the next two weeks.

“Spirit-Centered Leadership gives us access to celebrating our genius and igniting ourselves and those around us … all while having fun in the process!”

As we explore our own interior as Spirit-Centered Leaders, I invite us all to consider where we’re playing it safe and compromising our full-self expression. Where might inspiration lead you to contribute your gifts and talents with fun and fulfillment? With every leadership opportunity I agree to, I make sure to identify a spiritual apprenticeship that will support my next greatest unfoldment. What spiritual apprenticeship are you serving in your life?

Core Council Application Process

Where are you growing into an expanded version of yourself? How might you cultivate yourself as a Spirit-Centered Leader? If you are moved by the Vision and Mission of Bodhi when asking those questions—and you see Bodhi as a place that can support you in your spirit-centered leadership development and where you can support Bodhi in it’s next greatest unfoldment—then please consider applying for the Core Council.

The Core Council is the senior leadership body of our community. It holds the Vision and Mission of Bodhi and works with staff and membership to fulfill our intentions. There is no better place to exercise your commitment to Spirit-Centered Leadership. The Core Council is not your typical board experience. It is an inspired group committed to putting Love first in all that we do. If you are a committed and inspired member interested in applying, please read the guidelines and submit your application to office@bodhispiritualcenter.org by February 28, 2015.

I look forward to playing with you above the line!

Lola Wright

Lola Wright is the Spiritual Director at Bodhi Spiritual Center.

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