For Bodhi’s 15th anniversary month, we celebrate the Law of Reciprocity, which asserts that there is a flow to life. As we give, so do we receive. Of course, reciprocation is not a 1:1 experience. When you circulate your time, your talent, or your money, it is not that you should expect to receive that currency in return, although you may. The inquiry within one’s being is to determine if the channels of circulation are open or clogged.
The antidote to scarcity is circulation. To demonstrate the capacity of this generous Universe you must activate the Law of Reciprocity. If you are experiencing scarcity of time, start being generous with your time. Get into Sacred Service. Give yourself away. The suggestion is not martyrdom. The suggestion is living a life of generosity. Trust that as you move with greater faith and generosity, you will not be left out of the equation.
In November, we activate the reciprocal nature of the Universe by circulating our time, our talent, and our money. We notice any tendency to grip or hold tightly when circulating. We move through any fear of loss or feelings of scarcity, deepening our knowing that we are always supported.