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“Practicing EVEN When Tempted!” By Reverend Lola Wright

By July 3, 2017February 12th, 2020Messages

On Sunday, Rev. Lola Wright kicked off our new series for July, “Walking In Your Practice,” (watch her introduction) with her message, “Practicing EVEN When Tempted!”

Message Notes

Your natural state is feelin’ good. As Nina Simone would say Freedom is the realization of life without fear.

What do you fear? What’s the thing that sucks you in? That takes you down?

The thing that fosters cynicism, defeat, despair, exhaustion – political affairs? family drama? retirement ability? self worth?

The purpose of life in this dimension is “A Return To Love” – that is the greatest cry on the planet right now. Please return me to love

Love never left. It’s always been right here. It’s the realist thing there is.

– Transformation of your life and the planet requires your vigilant practice – I don’t mean your vigilant busyness – I mean your practice! Your realization of what’s true and real
– Stay the course EVEN when tempted to quit, to doubt

Distinguish the difference between Spiritual Principle & Spiritual Practice

SLIDE: Principle – a truth which is unchangeable

Practice – realization that man is born of Spirit and not of matter; realizing until seeing the living embodiment of Perfection

Orient yourself around Abundance, Wholeness, Reciprocal Nature, Immortality/Eternality,

SLIDE: Trained thought is far more powerful than untrained thought… The more power one gives to his thought the more completely he believes that his thought has power – the more power will it have… The state of a man’s thought is the medium between the relative and the Absolute, between the Limitless and the conditioned. Whatever is involved in it, will evolve. – Science of Mind p. 47 & 300

When you declare financial freedom, when you declare intimate partnership, when you download a vision WHAT gets in your way – doubts, fear, limited thinking, discipline, persistence

SLIDE: Stay on principle EVEN on special occasions. – Dr. Robert Bitzer

List off the issues that obstruct the realm of principle – the special occasions!
Negative self- talk
Family Discord
Job loss
Bank balances

We don’t practice for the times when it’s easy and comfortable. We practice so that we are ready when we are tempted.

SLIDE: Life happens beyond your comfort zone. – Neal Donald Walsh

How do you hold you? How do you carry you? Big or Small?

SLIDE: Many people go through life with a small-boy vision. We must realize we are Divine Beings and if we are to meet our situations in a Divine way we have to meet them as adults. We are not children of God, but are grown to the full stature of the Christ-in-God – the Perfect Self within. Each is the individualized expression of God. “The Father and I are one.” – All Power to You by Dr. Robert Bitzer

SLIDES: In times of confusion or pain keep your mental work simple. God-in-me. I am one with the One. – Dr. Robert Bitzer

Prayer & Meditation


Bodhi is a conscious community in Chicago, IL. We offer in person and online experiences for people who are ready to transform themselves and their world. Bodhi uses media, education, entertainment, and like-minded community to support transformation.

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