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New Theme For November: “Service As Sacred Medicine”

By November 4, 2016December 5th, 2016Blogs, Videos

This month we transcend our individual wants and needs. We are invited to release our attachments to self and hold our desires lightly. In the spiritual practice of Sacred Service we surrender to a purpose greater than ourselves. Sacred Service is the practice of contributing and serving humanity, our brothers and our sisters without any expectation of renumeration or praise.

Sacred Service is the practice of contributing and serving humanity, our brothers and our sisters without any expectation of renumeration or praise.

When we serve from a place of contribution, allowing ourselves to be wholly used we are lifted into higher and greater states of consciousness—we uncover aspects of ourselves we never knew, we deepen in community and we give thanks for the many gifts we have been given by giving to others.

Watch: Rev. Lola Introduces “Service As Sacred Medicine” – Honoring the indigenous people of this land and a return to serving the greater good

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Bodhi is a conscious community in Chicago, IL. We offer in person and online experiences for people who are ready to transform themselves and their world. Bodhi uses media, education, entertainment, and like-minded community to support transformation.

One Comment

  • Carrie Raven Heart says:

    As an indigenous woman I thank you for honoring the month of Nov. as sacred service month!! Miigwech (Thank you)!!!

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