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New Theme for June: Look Up

By June 2, 2017June 28th, 2017Blogs, Videos

Watch as Rev. Lola introduces our new series for June, “Look Up.” The series was inspired by Chicago artist Tyrue “Slang” Jones’ mural—Slang is a graffiti legend who has defined the movement here in Chicago.

From Rev. Lola in the video:

For Look Up, I invite us out of our tunnel vision thoughts, out of our neurotic tendencies, out of our obsessive thinking that’s keeping us stuck in our limited idea of what’s possible. Two of the best ways to move out of a state of fixed consciousness is the practice of rest and the practice of play. It’s so easy in this digital, hyper-scheduled climate to forget these two critical practices. These are great resources for re-calibration, rejuvenation, and restoration. You are worth those two practices.

look up theme design - june 2017 - for web

Pictured: Slang posing in front of his “Look Up” mural, originally done on the side of a building on Milwaukee Ave. in Wicker Park, Chicago.


Bodhi is a conscious community in Chicago, IL. We offer in person and online experiences for people who are ready to transform themselves and their world. Bodhi uses media, education, entertainment, and like-minded community to support transformation.


  • Martha Tierney says:

    I just recently made a crossroads decision in my life based on my insight that what I most needed right mow was rest and play. Been “hanging in” and “pushing through” for a long time and Im tired! It was fun to read this and find those two words at the center.

  • Lark West says:

    Awesome theme, for June! (Well, uh – every theme has been ridiculously brilliant!)
    What is theme and lineup for July?

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