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New Series For August: “Praises Go Up”

By August 3, 2017August 28th, 2017Blogs, Videos

Watch as Rev. Lola introduces our new series for August, “Praises Go Up.”

From Rev. Lola on this new series:

“When the praises go up, the blessings come down.”
— Chance the Rapper

This month’s series is inspired by one of today’s hottest Chicago renaissance artists, Chance the Rapper. Off of his Coloring Book album, “Blessings” breaks down the Creative Process we so often explore. In his powerful metaphysical lyrics, we are invited to rise up into the high altar of consciousness. When we invoke an expansion in consciousness, we draw into the manifest realm of our human experience the riches that have always existed in the unseen realm. The creative process is always at work. We’re consciously or unconsciously invoking universal spiritual laws all the time.

Chance the Rapper goes on to say, “Don’t believe in kings, believe in the kingdom.” In other words, do not get seduced by worldly possessions, riches of the worlds or iconic leaders. Place your attention on the realization of the “kingdom.” The kingdom metaphysically represents the realization of Oneness or Unity in the material realm.

Do not get seduced by worldly possessions, riches of the worlds or iconic leaders. Place your attention on the realization of the “kingdom.”

The use of the number 3 in our series title “PRAIS3S GO UP” is a nod to Chance’s staple use of the number 3 in his wardrobe. Metaphysically we understand the number 3 to represent the threefold nature or triune nature of Life—spirit, soul and body. As you come to understand the power of the Creative Process, you become wildly interested in the multiple realms of consciousness and how they work together.

That is precisely what we get to explore in August. Join us!


Bodhi is a conscious community in Chicago, IL. We offer in person and online experiences for people who are ready to transform themselves and their world. Bodhi uses media, education, entertainment, and like-minded community to support transformation.

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