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Our September Series: Who You Be

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Everything you do is informed by who you are being. You are either in a conscious state with the capacity to witness yourself — what makes you tick, what triggers you, the origin of your preferences, your tendency to write and believe storylines that orient your worldview, OR you are unconsciously reacting to stimuli with little awareness of your internal disposition in any given moment — fixed judgements, rigid opinions and beliefs, sweeping statements, loud biases, recurring painful patterns, habituated reactions — much like the tail wagging the dog.

As human beings become more aware of their internal state and shift the locus of control from exterior to interior awareness, conditions will improve both for the individual and the planet. When human beings are connected to the nuanced reactivity within their internal state, there is greater capacity to access compassion and generosity in relationship with other human beings. As we each awaken to our strengths and vulnerabilities, and develop the capacity to accept and evolve those states, we have a greater ability to understand and BE with other human beings.

In September, we devote ourselves to the practice of self-awareness, recognizing that there is an evolutionary necessity on the planet at this time in history for human beings to take responsibility for “Who You Be”.