On Sunday, Revered Lola Wright kicked off our March series, “Consciousness Creates,” with the message, “What Are You Solving For?”
What Are You Solving For?
My mom’s best friend Pam named me Lola the day I was born. For years, she was the only person that called me Lola. I loved it. It was sweet. It was endearing. It was special. A few years ago Pam’s Mom laid down her body. Her mom’s celebration of life was an AA meeting. And nearly every person that shared spoke about her as as happy, joyous and free – as if that was her name. For years I have thought about that AA slogan – happy, joyous and free.
- SLIDE: We absolutely insist on enjoying life. We try not to indulge in cynicism over the state of the nations, nor do we carry the world’s troubles on our shoulders. Those of us who have tried to shoulder the entire burden and trouble of others find we are soon overcome by them. So we think cheerfulness and laughter make for usefulness. We have recovered, and have been given the power to help others. We are sure God wants us to be happy, joyous, and free. We cannot subscribe to the belief that this life is a vale of tears, though it once was just that for many of us. But it is clear that we made our own misery. God didn’t do it. Avoid then, the deliberate manufacture of misery, but if trouble comes, cheerfully capitalize it as an opportunity to demonstrate God’s omnipotence. – The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous (1939)
- I said to a friend this week – it is time to stop manufacturing happiness, joy and freedom. You’re ready for the REAL stuff.
- SLIDE: I know that under the right systematic training of thought individuals can make themselves happy, prosperous, and well. So that is what we must learn. – Love & Law by Ernest Holmes (1918)
We are solving for LOVE, JOY, PEACE and FREEDOM.
We are solving for our awakening to Oneness.
Shark Tank presenting Alice’s Table – funded by Sara Blakely (Spanks). Our family was gathered in homes across the country cheering her on in home parties…it was VERY exciting!
The group following her presented their business plan – and then I heard Sara Blakely say something really brilliant:
“If you want us to give you money you must be able to clearly state what problem you are solving. And as I listen to your pitch I am not clear what problem you are solving.”
Energy goes where attention flows.
Bodhi is solving the problem of fear, lack, limitation – there is a psychosis and it is writing policy, it is
This community teaches the discipline of thought
- A liberation teaching – getting FREE from limitations, circumstances, conditions – this teaching exists to orient people around their spiritual nature more than their material nature
- You have the capacity to think and feel
- You have the capacity to witness your thinking and feeling
- You have the capacity to understand you as greater than your circumstances/conditions – thinking/feeling
- You have the capacity to transcend – because you are not THIS thing – you are the thing itself!
- Breakdown the Creative Process – from the unseen realm to the seen realm – the distinction between conscious mind/objective mind and subjective mind/subconscious mind/soul
- SLIDE: Foundations by Katharine Woodward Thomas, Calling In The One
- Life is a creative process and our thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, choices, actions, and words are tools that we use to invent our experiences and our circumstances.
- We have the ability to create circumstances and opportunities in our lives by setting clear intentions and by committing to and living in alignment with these intentions.
- When you alter your relationship with yourself, your external world will alter accordingly.
- You are your own worst enemy
- SLIDE: Whatever it is that hinders your progress is nothing but thought force working; and when you learn how to destroy it and get rid of it and know the truth, it will depart. Stop looking at the world as a conditioned thing governed by matter, matter, matter. Let matter alone. – Love & Law by Ernest Holmes
- What do you believe? Now what do you want to believe? What do you believe? Right now. Scrutinize your belief.
- It’s a discipline and it requires practice.
- SLIDE: I find those who get the best results are those who know what they are doing, constantly weeding out their consciousness everything that hinders, destroying within them their false concept, a little here and a little there, and if they fall down, in not staying down but getting up and going on, over and over again. – Love & Law by Ernest Holmes
- You have to start with you. And then you have to start untangling from everyone else.
- SLIDE: First, I had all of my own thought to overcome, my own observing of false condition. Then I also had to heal myself of what other people said about me. You start to do a new thing, and people will say it can’t be done. – Love & Law by Ernest Holmes
- Eliminate ALL negative thought; Race Suggestion/Consciousness and Personal Suggestion/Consciousness
- SLIDE: Before people can realize the truth which is to free them from conditions, they have to eliminate all thought that is negative as a race suggestion and as an auto-suggestion. From the standpoint of the race suggestion, they must erase from their mentality any beliefs within that they are born with a limited condition. They must realize in its place that they have a spiritual birth, born from an infinite source, that they are now living in it and filled with limitless life and boundless freedom. You can go further than that and cease suggesting to your own self unconsciously any auto-suggestion that you are limited. – Love & Law by Ernest Holmes
- I am my own salvation – you will free you or you will never be free
- SLIDE: Your final emancipation will be written by your own hand or it will never be written at all; it will be thought out by your own mind. – Love & Law by Ernest Holmes
You have the power of the almighty. The universe is in you. You are Godstuff. What now will you create?
Prayer & Meditation