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Upcoming Events: John Newton And Rev. Christy Snow To Visit Bodhi In March

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Group Healing Intensive with John Newton

Saturday, March 14, 2015
10a – 12p
John Newton 2_small
There will be individual attention given to those who volunteer. John will do Ancestral Forgiveness work to help with physical, emotional and other issues. He will also do a healing for the entire group as a whole. People report receiving help for their issues even if they don’t ask—the Intelligence knows …

Sufi Zikr Chanting Workshop with Rev. Christy Snow

Sunday, March 15, 2015
12:30p – 2p
Christy Snow - 235
Making a difference in the world by being different in it! Christy Snow empowers others through music, speaking, writing, workshop and retreats. Through life affirming lyrics and messages, she inspires others to live their best life and to share their unique expression in the world fully and freely. Life is for living … it’s time to live yours.

Conscious Kids Creativity Summer Camp

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Campers will create their own superhero character based on their own special talents and gifts. We will create art out of found objects for the superhero’s gadgets, create an original superhero song and make up stories through creative play. There will be a final showcase of our creativity at the end of camp. All supplies are included, campers need only to bring a sack lunch each day.

Monday – Friday, July 20 – 24
9a – 3p
Ages 6 – 12
Cost: $275

Jim Dethmer To Visit Bodhi For Message And Workshop On Sunday, February 8th

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Jim Dethmer—business coach, author, speaker and co-founder of the Conscious Leadership Group—will visit Bodhi on Sunday, Feb. 8th to talk about conscious, spirit-centered leadership. After his message, he’ll facilitate a leadership workshop based on his new book, The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership. The workshop will begin at 12:30p—not to be missed!

Message at 10a Celebration Service: “Learning to Lead with Presence.”

Workshop at 12:30p: “Practicing the 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership” (suggested $35 Love Offering).

Jim Dethmer, Co-founder of the Conscious Leadership Group

Jim Dethmer, Co-founder of the Conscious Leadership Group

Above The Line Vs. Below The Line

Watch the video below to learn more about the Conscious Leadership’s “Big Idea” to help leaders shift beyond a limiting “below the line” culture of victimhood, blame and self-doubt to a thriving “above the line” self-rejuvenating culture of responsibility, creativity, genius and self-awareness.

Upcoming at Bodhi: New Year’s Eve Service and Visioning Workshop

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This week, as we conclude our “Stories of Light” schedule for December, we’ll host a New Year’s Eve Burning Bowl Service with Lola Wright, Kim Revere and Randy Buehler. Next Sunday, with the new year beginning, don’t miss out on our “Vision Your 2015!” workshop led by Linda Jackson.

New Year’s Eve Burning Bowl Service
with Lola Wright, Kim Revere and Randy Buehler
Wednesday, December 31st at 6:30 p.m.

Vision Your 2015!
facilitated by Linda Jackson, LSP
Sunday, January 4th from 12:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Cost: $35 (Note: no pre-registration required)

In the practice of Visioning we tap into the Divine idea for our life. “Catch” the vision in the mind’s eye, create a mental equivalent and develop a strategy for accomplishing the vision that is revealed! This is a multisensory workshop designed to support you in creating your best year yet!

Photo credit: jimmy q

Day Of The Dead Celebration

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