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Can We Trust You?

Imagine raising young people to know there is an inner guidance system that is always available for them. Imagine raising young people to trust themselves. Imagine walking on the planet trusting that we are each led, guided and directed by a still small voice that is rooted in LOVE.

Imagine women know how to choose for themselves as it relates to their uterus. Imagine women are profoundly connected to their intuition. Imagine.

We are living in an exciting time in history. There is an awakening of power, freedom, and self expression that is revealing itself in dynamic ways.

As you and I say yes to our divine guidance we free ourselves of external power structures that seemingly dominate our security. There is nothing outside of you that is more trustworthy than your still small voice.

Join us this Wednesday from 7 to 9 pm CT at Bodhi Spiritual Center for a Reproductive Justice Panel with Terry Cosgrove of Personal PAC, Eileen Rhodes Board President of #BodhiChicago, accomplished business woman and practitioner student Denise Maple and me. The evening is hosted by devoted community members Deborah Chalmers, Joyce Brown and Tonya Johnson.

I trust me. I trust you. You can trust you. It’s time.

The New You LIVE
Rev. Lola kicked off a new video series called “The New You LIVE.” It’s held each Tuesday at 9a CST from her Facebook page. Invite your friends and let’s dive into sourcing your own power, security and control!


Bodhi is a conscious community in Chicago, IL. We offer in person and online experiences for people who are ready to transform themselves and their world. Bodhi uses media, education, entertainment, and like-minded community to support transformation.

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