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Breaking Through the Tomb

Today on The New You LIVE, Lola Wright reminds us we are here to disrupt fear and to stand for the high idea of humanity. To call forward the greatest and holiest demonstration of love. To break through the tomb of human limitation!

The tomb is a metaphor for monumenting death. We are invited to break through the celebration of death and the idea that we are limited.

The philosophy we subscribe to suggests that all of life is FOR you.

We are never a victim of any set of circumstances. That’s not to say that are not things that have happened in our lives that are traumatic, or that we haven’t been a victim of circumstances.

You can hold the high watch of possibility and say, “how is this for me?”

When we encounter difficult moments, we can stop and ask ourselves, “How can we be in this set of circumstances now?”

Lola shared the story of her children in the midst of their college application process and the hurdles and obstacles they encountered.

No matter what struggles you may be facing, rise up. Hold the high watch of who you’re here to be and what you want. Keep your eye on the prize. Keep your mind focused. Don’t be seduced by the circumstances and conditions that are before you.

When you and I find ourselves in moments of discouragement, where it’s easy to be seduced into a limited idea of possibility, that is the moment of choice.

We have the free will to determine who we will be amidst these circumstances.

Every moment there is a choice.

What is the context you are going to hold for who you are here to be?

Will we be seduced by circumstances and conditions of lack and limitation, of scarcity and deficiency? Or, will we look the circumstances and conditions in the face and say, “I see you, this is NOT the truth of who I am. I am a powerful individualization of the Most High.”

Every moment we are given the choice to fall asleep to the seduction of fear and lack or to rise into a higher state of consciousness where possibility resides.

Where are you finding yourself stuck? Where are you in a cognitive, emotive loop?

Community matters. Community can hold an idea of truth and power when we cannot always hold it for ourselves.

What are you finding yourself seduced by in the realm of lack and limitation? How can we affirm your whole and holy nature?

This month we are devoting our inquiry into who we are here to be as Holy Disruptors. A Holy Disruptor is a person who breaks apart norms in service of the sacred, in pursuit of the revelation of the atmosphere of the Universe.

Affirm with yourself:

I see beyond the realm of appearances and I access that which is Holy.

I am a Holy Disruptor.

I am someone who disrupts the normal state of affairs in service of calling forward the sacred.

In service of calling the Divine.

In service of calling the Truth.

The truth has no opposition. When we align ourselves with what is high and good, evil falls away back into the nothingness from which it comes.

We are here to disrupt fear and to stand for the high idea of humanity. To call forward the greatest and holiest demonstration of love. To break through the tomb of human limitation!

Walk on the planet knowing and affirming you are ALWAYS supported!

Check this out and share with a friend!



Bodhi is a conscious community in Chicago, IL. We offer in person and online experiences for people who are ready to transform themselves and their world. Bodhi uses media, education, entertainment, and like-minded community to support transformation.

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