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Be Your Own Spiritual Leader

What every great teacher has pointed us back to is ourselves. Diana Carson Chapman and Jim Dethmer define a leader in The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership as anyone who has influence. Guess what? We all have influence over the many spaces that we move through in our lives.

Read the entire blog post from Rev. Lola: “Get Real: Become Your Own Spiritual Leader”

The New You LIVE
Rev. Lola kicked off a new video series called “The New You LIVE.” It’s held each Tuesday at 9a CST from her Facebook page. Invite your friends and let’s dive into sourcing your own power, security and control!


Bodhi is a conscious community in Chicago, IL. We offer in person and online experiences for people who are ready to transform themselves and their world. Bodhi uses media, education, entertainment, and like-minded community to support transformation.

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