This week’s #WednesdayWisdom from Ram Dass on how clinging to our desires leads to a life of complication.
This week’s #WednesdayWisdom, as we kick off our “We Are Transformers” series for September, comes from Emmet Fox on conquering all difficulties with love.
This week’s #WednesdayWisdom comes from Ernest Holmes on how the presence of Spirit within you can bless everyone you meet.
This week’s #WednesdayWisdom comes from Ram Dass on confronting one’s inner demons.
Today’s #WednesdayWisdom comes from Shunryu Suzuki, a Sōtō Zen monk and teacher who helped popularize Zen Buddhism in the United States and is renowned for founding the first Buddhist monastery outside Asia, the San Francisco Zen Center.
This week’s #WednesdayWisdom comes from the lyrics of a song, “You Are The Universe,” by The Brand New Heavies.
This week’s #WednesdayWisdom comes from Ram Dass in his book, Journey of Awakening, on the individual and highly personal experience that is the spiritual journey.
This week’s #WednesdayWisdom comes from Ram Dass in his book, Journey of Awakening: A Meditator’s Guidebook.
This week’s #WednesdayWisdom comes from adrienne marie brown, author of Emergent Strategy, who says in order to transform society, we must make justice a pleasurable experience.